Post by Don PhillipsonWhen he found an agent he could trust (ideally Speer) he left
him completely alone.
In NAZI Germany, Hitler's word was the law. So the more access you had to
Hitler the greater your power, Speer as such like most NAZI bigwigs stayed
very close to Hitler.
In Speer's case, he reported that often Hitler interfered with his duties.
In the wikipedia is states
he was of course subordinate to Hitler. Nazi officials sometimes went
around Speer by seeking direct orders from the dictator. When Speer ordered
peacetime building work suspended, the Gauleiters (Nazi Party district
leaders) obtained an exemption for their pet projects. When Speer sought
the appointment of Hanke as a labor czar to optimize the use of German
labor, Hitler, under the influence of Martin Bormann, instead appointed
Fritz Sauckel. Rather than increasing female labor and taking other steps
to better organize German labor, as Speer favored, Sauckel advocated
importing labor from the occupied nations – and did so, obtaining workers
for (among other things) Speer's armament factories, using the most brutal
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