Post by GFHThe Germans had PoW camps in lands liberated by
the USSR, possibly in occupied areas of the USSR.
I have read comments that many of these US PoWs
(mostly army air corp?), never came back. Some
seem to claim, without any documentation, that
there were 10,000 or more.
Post by GFHIs there any 'real' information on this subject?
From Richard Anderson,
" the actual figures, as given by "Army Battle Casualties and
Nonbattle Deaths in World War II, Final Report, 7 December 1941 - 31
December 1946," Department of the Army, Office of the Adjutant
General, are as follows:
Total number of US Army (including USAAF) personnel captured /
KIA while POW (by air bombardment or while trying to escape) /
died of wounds or injuries while POW (wounds suffered in action or
while POW) /
died of other causes (nonbattle) /
returned to military control were:
ETO 73,759 / 224 / 194 / 532 / 72,809
MTO 20,182 / 64 / 63 / 44 / 20,011
PTP 27,465 / 2,473 / 182 / 8,452 / 16,358
All other theaters 2,673 / 341 / 14 / 70 / 2,248
Total 124,079 / 3,102 / 453 / 9,098 / 111,426
Died of other causes (nonbattle) - "other causes" (where have we heard
that phrase before?, but note here that "died" is clearly indicated,
as it is not in the other case) in this case included those who "died
of disease or other nonbattle cause while in a captured, interned or
missing in action status."
Other theaters include Alaska Department, CBI, USASAF (20th AF), and
theater unknown.
This means that in the theaters of war versus Germany, 92,820 of
93,941 (98.8 percent) survived to return to military control. Thus,
just 288 were KIA after capture (either by enemy or friendly action),
257 DOW (wounds received either before or after capture), and 576
died of other causes. "
End quote.
Post by GFHThe return of Japanese and German PoWs from the
USSR is quite well documented.
Noting the large numbers reported to have been taken prisoner
who did not return.
Geoffrey Sinclair
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