On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:00:48 -0500, Mario
Post by MarioPost by The Horny GoatOne may reasonably argue that Churchill habitually gilded
his own lily but one cannot reasonably argue he was not a
capable writer. No question Hitler was a gifted speechifier
but as a writer? You have got to be kidding me!
I thought that because AH was in the topmost position in
Germany during WWII so he held the same position of
Churchill, or even more on the top's top.
Are you seriously suggesting Hitler's literary skills were
the equal of Churchill's?
Not at all, where do you read that?
Do you have any evidence suggesting anything of the kind?
I never wrote that AH was a good writer.
Do you have any evidence suggesting that Mein Kampf's status
as a German best seller 1933-45 had anything to do with its
literary value?
I never wrote that.
Bottom line is that had Churchill died most any time in the
last 5 years before WW2 most of his books would still be in
print today. It's inconceivable any such thing would ever be
said about Hitler had he died before the war which he
Churchill had written more than 10 books before Hitler ever
saw the inside of Landsberg prison. Presumably he had become
a better writer during that time!
What I wrote is that during WWII AH was in the topmost
political position, like WC was.
A good position to write a history of WWII from the German
That's all I wrote.